Federal Specifications
Upon request the John Howard Company supplies Nylon thread to meet Federal Specification V-T-295 and Polyester thread to Federal Specification Mil-DTL-32072 (supersedes V-T-285). Federally approved to supply   this material to the U.S. Government and all government contractors and sub-contractors.
Tex Size Standard Ticket US Gov.Ticket A-A-59826(Supersedes V-T-295) Min. Strength*

Nylon Twisted Multifilament

Light Weight T-14
T-16 00 1.8
T-21 A 2.8
T-30 33 AA 4.1
Medium Weight T-45 46 B/2 6
T-70 69 E 9
Heavy Weight T-90 92 F 11.8
T-135 138 FF 17.5
Extra Heavy Weight T-210 207 #3 27
T-270 277 #4 36
T-350 346 #5 45
T-400 415 #6 54
T-500 462 #7
T-600 554 #8 72
T-700 693 #10

Nylon Monocord

Light Weight T-16
T-18 00 1.8
T-27 A 2.8
T-35 AA 4.1
Medium Weight T-45 46 B 6
T-70 63 E 9
Heavy Weight T-90 F 11.8
Extra Heavy Weight T-150
Tex Size Standard Ticket

US Gov. Ticket Mil-DTL-32072   (Supersedes V-T-285)

Min. Strength*

Polyester Twisted Multifilament

Light Weight T-16 00 1.5
T-21 A
T-30 33 AA 3
T-35 33
Medium Weight T-45 46 B/2 4.5
T-50 B/3
T-70 69 E 8
Heavy Weight T-90 92 F 10.6
T-135 138 FF 16
Extra Heavy Weight T-180
T-210 207 #3 25
T-270 277 #4 34
T-350 346 #5 42
T-400 415 #6 48
T-500 462 #7 60
T-600 554 #8
T-700 693 #10 70
Federal Specifications
 Upon request the John Howard Company supplies Nylon thread to meet Federal Specification V-T-295 and Polyester thread to Federal Specification Mil-DTL-32072 (supersedes V-T-285). Federally approved to supply this material to the U.S. Government and all government contractors and sub-contractors.


Tex Size Standard Ticket Avg. Strength*
Textured Poly Light Weight T-18 T-18 1.7
T-24 T-24 2.1
Medium Weight T-35 T-35 3.3
T-50 T-50 4.5
Heavy Weight T-70 T-70 6.8
T-105 T-105 7.8
Spun Poly Ex-Light Weight T-18 1.4
T-21 1.8
T-21 100/2 1.7
Light Weight T-27 70/2 2.1
T-27 2.2
T-27 50/3 2.1
Medium Weight T-40 50/2 3.3
T-45 40/3 3.6
T-60 4.7
T-60 30/3 4.8
Heavy Weight T-70 24/3 6.3
T-90 20/3 7.6
T-105 16/3 9.6
Ex-Heavy Weight T-120 10.6
T-135 11.1
Poly Wrapped Poly Core Ex-Light Weight T-18 XXF-140 2.1
Light Weight T-24 XF-100 2.7
T-30 MF-70 3.5
Medium Weight T-40 M-50 4.5
T-50 H-30 6.6
Heavy Weight T-60 T-60 7.7
T-80 T-80H 8.9
T-105 T-100 10.6
Ex-Heavy Weight T-120 T-120 13.5
T-135 16.0
T-150 18.0
Cotton Wrapped Poly Core Light Weight T-24 XF-100 2.3
T-35 MF-70 3.1
Medium Weight T-40 M-50 3.6
T-50 MH-40 4.6
Heavy Weight T-60 T-60 7.3
T-80 T-80H 7.5
T-105 T-100 8.6
Ex-Heavy Weight T-120 11.4
T-135 XH-16 11.7
T-150 XXH-12 15.1

*SEB-Single End Break (lbs.) All strengths are for comparative purposes and should not be used as minimum requirements.